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Shift Settings

Shift Settings allows users to create, modify, and delete shifts and schedules. IXM WEB application users can assign and change the Shifts & Schedule for Employees. It offers the following tabs to save relevant information:

Screen Layout of Shift


Field Description of Shift

Information One shift will be created by default in the software. You can either modify the available shift or add a new shift.


Screen Layout of Schedule


Field Description of Schedule

The purpose of a schedule or roster is to define shift, weekly offs, and the rotation of employees at work by assigning a pattern for a defined period.



You can search for a particular Schedule by entering its full or partial name. Once entered, either press <Enter> key or click on Search button. The list will be refreshed with Schedules matching with the entered name.


Screen Layout of Shift Changer


Field Description of Shift Changer

This option allows IXM WEB users to change and update employee’s Shifts for a selected month.


Screen Layout of Shift Assigned


Field Description of Shift Assigned

Shift Assigned options allow the user to view the shift chart or roster assigned for each Employee for selected month-year.



Select the Employee from the dropdown list.


Attendance Period:

Select the Month and Year from the respective dropdown lists.


Click on Search button. Shift chart or the roster assigned to the selected Employee for the selected period will be displayed.